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Freelancers in Pubs Email List

Welcome! Please provide some basic info to be added to the Freelancers in Pubs email list. Anyone can join--you do not need to be a current freelancer or ISMPP member,  just need to have an interest in freelancing in industry-sponsored medical publications. You can leave the list at any time, and everything is free. 

Next, BEFORE you hit Subscribe: 

To confirm you are a real person, please connect to me on LinkedIn (if we are not already connected):

If you don't have a LinkedIn profile ... You should create one! (That's true, but in the meantime, email me at [email protected] and let me know who you are.)

If I can't locate you in the real world, I may remove you from the email list to avoid sending information to bots. 

Thanks, and welcome to Freelancers in Pubs!